Introduction to Enigma
2 - Saying "I don't know".
2 - Saying "I don't know".
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Now that we have highlighted how Enigma will answer users' questions based on the knowledge that you have, I'm going to show what happens when it doesn't know the answer. So I'm going to ask, who is Iron Man? As everyone knows, Iron Man is a comic book character in the Marvel Universe, and it is definitely not part of the Bible conversation. So when you ask, who is Iron Man, with Bible chat, because it only uses fenced data, and when it cannot answer the question, it's going to say, sorry, I do not know the answer. I can also ask, who is the first president of the United States? And it should also say, sorry, I don't know. So keep in mind, this is a feature within Enigma, where it will only answer if it can find the answer within the knowledge you provided. It will never go outside of the knowledge space you have provided. It is very important to keep this in mind, because if you notice a lot of your users' questions go unanswered, it's probably because the knowledge space you have provided does not have enough information to answer other questions. Now, what I will continue is I will extend this feature to say, if it asks the same question, tell me the story of David versus Goliath, which is actually the same question I asked earlier, except I only select New Testament, and I ask the question. The idea here is David and Goliath is a story that is documented in the Old Testament, so when you select New Testament only, Enigma will basically only look at a subset of your knowledge, and then if it cannot find the answer in the subset of your knowledge, it's actually going to say, I don't know as well. So, as you can see here, I'm just going to wait for it to think a little bit, and it's going to say, sorry, I don't know. Once again, we're just highlighting the fact that not only are we going to say, I don't know the answer when the user asks a question that is outside of your knowledge, we will also say I don't know if the user selected a specific knowledge space if you have created different sets of knowledge space, so that we will only answer based on the selected knowledge set. Thank you.
Video Summary
Enigma is designed to answer users' questions based on the knowledge provided. However, if it does not know the answer, it will say "Sorry, I do not know the answer." This is demonstrated when asked about Iron Man or the first president of the United States. Enigma only looks within the provided knowledge and will not go outside of it. When asked about the story of David versus Goliath while only selecting New Testament, Enigma will also respond with "Sorry, I don't know" since this story is from the Old Testament. It is important to ensure the knowledge space provided is sufficient for answering questions.
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Creation Year
answer users' questions
sorry, I do not know the answer
sufficient knowledge space
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